Wally's Castle Consignments - Currently Full
Wally's Castle Does Select Consignment Items / Collections with both Vendors and Non Vendors of our mall. Consignment is an extra work process for our mall and there are extra fees involved. To get top dollar for your items we recommend selling your items online (ebay / mercari / or apps) , rent a booth at an Antique / Collectible Mall, or have an estate sale. Those are your best options to get closer to retail for your items, but they will require work on your part. Wally's Castle offers Consignments for those people who do not want to do the work and hire us to price and sell their items for them. Email TheWallysCastle@gmail.com
Consignment is a 50 / 50% split between consigner and Wally's Castle. Wally's Castle pays all credit card fees, transactions fees, and booth rent / space for the items to be sold.
Wally's Castle will determine the starting price on all items we accept for consignment
Wally's Castle will determine if we want to take the item(s) in on consignment.
Wally's Castle will mark all consignment items down 50% after 30 days. All consignment items must be picked up after 60 days in the mall.
Please read over the lease below and email all Questions to TheWallysCastle@gmail.com
Consignment Agreement
Wally’s Castle LLC
3637 Clyde Park Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
Ben Herbst - Mall Director
Phone / Text (616) 330-0530
Email: TheWallysCastle@gmail.com
Our Consignment Agreement sets forth the expectations and understandings between Wally’s Castle LLC and the party identified below hereinafter referred to as the "Consignor." This
agreement addresses all matters pertaining consignment structure, duration, payments and other conditions that are mutually expressed between both the parties.
Phone- _________________________________________________
Email- _________________________________________________
Consignor Identification- __________________________________
Contract Starts- _______ / ________/ ____________
Contract Ends ______/ _________ / _____________
Last Pick up Date______/_______/ _____________
(Items must be picked up by last pickup day. Items not picked up become property of Wally’s Castle) The Consignor hereby warrants, represents and attests that he/she is at least 18 years of age, is the owner of all goods consigned to Wally’s Castle; and has the legal right to enter into this Consignment Agreement; that the goods are saleable and/or free & clear of loans / liens,
legal proceedings or other ownership encumbrances. The consignment period shall be 60 days.
Wally’s Castle offers only has 1 consignment option.
50/50 split. 50% of the selling price to the consignor and 50% of the selling price to
Wally’s Castle. Wally’s Castle will process, price, pay credit card fees, and transactions fees out of Wally’s Castle’s split.
Wally’s Castle reserves the right to determine ALL THE ACTUAL selling prices of all items. The price will not be changed during the initial 30 days of the consignment period. All prices are subject to a 50% reduction on day 31 thru Day 60.
Consignor acknowledges that Wally’s Castle is not a certified appraiser of antiques and/or collectibles. Every effort will be made to fairly price and profitably consign items based on a number of factors including age, condition, quality, quantity, brand name and
market prices for comparable merchandise. Wally’s Castle is not a storage facility so all items will be marked at a price that should push the items to be sold within 60 days.
Wally’s Castle reserves the right to attempt to sell any item through any internet source.
Consignor agrees that any item consigned to Wally’s Castle may be displayed whenever and wherever Wally’s Castle chooses. Consignor acknowledges that Wally’s Castle will have a monetary investment in time, space and advertising in selling consignors items. Consignor agrees not to remove consigned items prior to the end of the 60 day consignment period once both parties agree on a starting price and inventory the items into our store. If a consigned item is removed prior to the end of the consignment period, the consignee agrees to pay Wally’s Castle a fee of 20% of the asking sale price or current price after 30 day markdowns of the
consigned item plus any additional costs incurred by the consignment.
Consignors will be paid after their item has sold. Payment will be made on the 15th of each month for the previous month's sales for all balances. Payments are available for pickup in person at Wally’s Castle or used at any time for store credit. Payment will be in the form of a check.
We do not mail checks. Payments not picked up after 3 months will be expired and forfeited. Checks that are picked up will not be reissued under any circumstance.
Wally’s Castle has set up an access account via GoAntiquing so that you may track your sales and payments.
Consignor acknowledges that wally’s Castle maintains fire and liability insurance coverage only. All reasonable care will be taken to ensure the safety of items consigned with Wally’s Castle, however, items are left at the consignor's risk. Consignor acknowledges that
Wally’s Castle is open to the public and is not responsible for any loss due to damage, theft, fire, water, casualty or natural disaster.
It is the responsibility of the consignor to notify Wally’s Castle of any change of contact.
All consignment items must be clean, in displayable condition and ready for resale. Any item in subpar condition will be marked AS IS and priced accordingly cheaper. Although we cannot guarantee that each item will sell, Wally’s Castle will make every effort to correctly price each item and sell each item consigned within the consignment period.
It is the responsibility of the consignor to know when the consignment period expires. Upon expiration of the consignment period, the consignor has seven calendar (7) days to pick up any unsold items.
You must notify us at least THREE calendar days in advance that you are coming to retrieve your unsold item(s). We need this time to pull your item(s) and have them ready for you to pick up. Unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed upon in writing by both the consignor and Wally’s Castle any item left for more than seven (7) calendar days after the end date (SEE LAST PICKUP DATE ABOVE) of the consignment period will be considered
abandoned and become the sole property of Wally’s Castle and may be disposed of or donated to any charity of choice.
After 70 days from the consigned start date, Wally’s Castle has NO FURTHER OBLIGATION TO THE CONSIGNOR for account inquiries, accounting information or contract settlements.
This Agreement, along with the attached inventory sheet, is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all previous agreements between the parties. No other written or verbal contracts, agreements, or understandings exist nor are relied upon. As the Consignor, I agree to the above terms and conditions of this Consignment Agreement, that the attached inventory sheet is an accurate number and listing of the items I am consigning and that I have received a copy of this Agreement.
Print Name Signature Date
Wally’s Castle:_____________________-__________________________-_____________
Print Name Signature Date
Wally's Castle Consignment Inventory List
Item Information
Wally's Castle Consignment Inventory List
Item Information